Staffordshire Police Station

The Project Brief
Staffordshire Police Force provide policing services to a population of more than 1,000,000 individuals across the areas of Staffordshire and Stoke-On-Trent. Headquarters for the force are located in Stafford, in close proximity to Staffordshire University, and cater for a large team working from nine office blocks. The building’s main reception is frequently full of staff, visitors and contractors, and provides access to the onsite restaurant; due to this it is an extremely busy zone. In addition to the heavy foot-traffic, the reception area is also home to an extensive range of posters, covering topics such as: upcoming events; menu specials; staff info; local news; and police award winners. As a result of this variation in poster content, the walls of the reception were a mass of different colours, styles, and old blobs of blu-tac; resulting in the area looking extremely non-uniform and untidy.
Staffordshire Police recognised that they were spending a large sum each month on the production of these posters, and therefore contacted Piranha and asked us to provide a digital signage system that would offer flexibility over how information could be displayed, and the option for video playback. This new system would eliminate untidy posters, the effort required to manually erect them and take them back down, and save the force a large amount of money in the long-term; resulting in a much sleeker, tidier, and more uniform reception area.
The Piranha Solution
The digital signage system chosen by our design team features a free-standing 55inch portrait digital poster display, including a built-in computer. To ensure ease-of-use, this solution enables staff to upload a plethora of poster designs onto a memory stick, connect it to the system, and the system will then play them one after another for a pre-set amount of time.
When it comes to power, the system we chose is self-managing. Timers have been programmed in, to switch the display on in the morning, and off at the end of a working day. This eliminates the need for manual control of this function; therefore saving energy.
Over its life, this system will work to ensure that Staffordshire police get maximum return on their investment; saving them a considerable amount of money, better spent elsewhere.
This cost-effective and technologically advanced solution was completed within the specified time period, and met each of the client’s specific requirements. requirements.